Poster presentation
If you have applied for a poster presentation (submitted an abstract) at the time of pre-registration, please be sure to prepare a poster presentation.
Please note that we will not accept any printing on your behalf, so please prepare your poster by yourself.
Requests for replacement of abstracts will be accepted until October 30.
Please refer to the presentation rules and regulations here.
Location & Time
Poster session will be held at 1st+2nd Conference Room (13th Floor) of the Nagoya Prime Central Tower. Two poster sessions will be held as follows (refer to Program for details):
Session 1: Tuesday, Dec. 10 from 15:30 to 17:30
Session 2: Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 15:30 to 17:30
Poster details
The size of poster boards is 85 cm x 175 cm. Therefore, posters should be recommended to be A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). It is mandatory that the poster be vertical. Note that it is not possible to print out your poster at the conference venue. Pins to secure posters to poster boards are available on-site.
A number will be assigned to each presenter and each poster board for Session 1 (Dec. 10) and Session 2 (Dec. 11), respectively. Please attach your poster to the corresponding poster board on your poster session day. You can check your poster number from the registration site (https://iis2024.award-con.com/mypage/). Please put your poster from 8:30 to 15:30 on Dec. 10 for Session1. Please put your poster from 8:30 to 15:30 on Dec. 11 for Session2. Please remove your poster right after finishing your poster session, which includes the informal discussion, and take it home. You can put your poster case in front of your poster from 8:30 to 18:00 during your poster session day (Dec. 11 or 12).

Poster Prizes
A few splendid posters will receive prizes. Those who registered for categories other than “student” in the registration after the acceptance will not be eligible for these prizes.